Let's 10x your content workflow

Let's 10x your content workflow

Cancel anytime. 30-day money-back guarantee.
no credit card required

Cancel anytime. 30-day money-back guarantee.
no credit card required

Trusted by top video creators, podcasters, marketers, and founders




Billed monthly

(or $23/mo paid annually)

Start 7-Day Free Trial

500 AI credits

5 hours of video upload per month

AI Cards & template library

AI content creation

Create your own templates

Generate clips, social posts, & more




Billed monthly - recommended

(or $69/mo paid annually)

Start 7-Day Free Trial

1,500 AI credits

15 hours of video upload per month

AI Cards & template library

AI content creation

Create your own templates

Generate clips, social posts, & more




Billed monthly

(or $179/mo paid annually)

Start 7-Day Free Trial

5,000 AI credits

50 hours of video upload per month

AI Cards & template library

AI content creation

Create your own templates

Generate clips, social posts, & more

Thousands create viral content using Alphana

Thousands create viral content using Alphana

Trusted by top video creators, podcasters, marketers, and founders

Trusted by top video creators, podcasters, marketers, and founders

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is Alphana?

Alphana is an AI content manager that simplifies turning videos, podcasts, and interviews into concise summaries and shareable content such as blog articles, X/Twitter threads, LinkedIn posts, Newsletter copy, and much more.

Who is Alphana for?

Alphana is for podcast shows, long-form content creators, marketers and founders seeking to elevate their content distribution and engagement.

Is it easy to learn?

Alphana is the easiest way to turn any video, audio or podcast into 30+ pieces of content in record time. Simply drop a video and provide context, and it automatically creates your content for you.

What are the differences between the pricing plans?

The biggest differences between our packages are the number of AI credits and video upload hours available each month, catering to varying levels of content creation needs. All plans include unlimited video uploads (within the hour limit) and access to our AI cards and template library.

Is there a free trial available?

Absolutely, a 7-day free trial is available for all plans, giving you full access to explore how Alphana can streamline your content creation process.

Are there additional savings for annual plans?

When you commit to an annual plan, you can save up to 40% compared to monthly billing. It's a great way to get more value for a longer-term commitment to your content goals.

How does the 30-day money-back guarantee work?

We want you to be completely satisfied with Alphana. If it's not the right fit, simply cancel within 30 days and request a refund through chat support when logged in. We make it risk-free so you can explore Alphana with confidence.

Powerful AI cards included in every plan

Powerful AI cards included in every plan

AI cards pair natural language prompts with a sleek UI to display generated content from any video.

AI cards pair natural language prompts with a sleek UI to display generated content from any video.

Start 7-day free trial


Automatically transcribe any video (audio coming soon).

Auto-Highlight Moments

Extract pivotal moments from videos.

X (Twitter) Threads

X / Twitter Threads

Create compelling X threads from your content.


Generate insightful reads for your audience.

LinkedIn Posts

Craft thought-provoking LinkedIn content.


Turn video highlights into newsletter content.

Turn video highlights into newsletter content

Alphana – Your AI, Your Way
Get started today

Start 7-day free trial